Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I had planned to post something more upbeat, but today the worse case scenario happened.

I had mentioned earlier that Georgie had a kitty cold but was starting to feel better. Well after weaning her off of soft food she started loosing weight and acting lethargic. So I started giving her soft food in their usual food bowl, but she wasn't eating it. I started putting it in her special bowl but still on the chest with the food bowl so Luna wouldn't get into it. It seemed like she was only eating when I placed her up there. So I started feeding her in the kitchen again. She was eating a little better, but not much and even started falling asleep at the water bowl and hiding out for the majority of the day. Last night I even noticed she was stumbling a little even though she was walking very slow and carefully. 

So we decided what I knew to do was no longer helping and we took her to a vet this morning. After answering all the questions, getting some looks after telling them she hasn't been vaccinated in years, and Georgie getting a thermometer stuck up her butt to make sure she had no fever, the vet decided to do a urinalysis to see where we needed to start. 

When he came back the diagnosis was grim. Renal failure. With those two words I just knew we weren't bringing her home. We asked how it could have possibly happened. It could have been an injury when she was a kitten, came in contact with something toxic or even genetic. We asked what our options were. Subcutaneous fluids as needed, a feeding tube, additives to food to help encourage her to drink more, but all were prolonging the inevitable and wouldn't make her less lethargic or feel too much better. 

We had a blood test run to confirm that was what was wrong and it came back sooner than expected. Her BUN was so high the machine couldn't run it and give definitive numbers and her creatinine was about 9 times normal. All confirming my Georgie was dying. With all of our options we decided to let her go peacefully. When our first dog, Nova, died all we got was a phone call. At least with Georgie I was able to be there, hold and kiss her one last time, tell her I loved her and that I was so sorry. She was so weak and sick that she went without a fight. 

You would think being there for that would be the hardest part. Coming home with out her, walking in the door with out her running up and talking to you or smelling yor shoes to see where you have been, putting the empty carrier outside instead of letting her out inside, having Serenity and Luna look for her, emptying the opened cans of food in the garbage disposal because Serenity didn't like it - these were the worst things. 

Even with Luna and Serenity looking for her I catch myself doing so as well. Looking at the bedroom door, the back glass door, or under the table expecting her to be there. Or even thinking, she was just asleep I can go pick her up.  I have spent the majority of the day staring at pictures of her when she was healthy, remembering when she first came home she so skinny that she was pretty much all ears, the multitude of head-butts and old lady complaining meows, smelling someone before she let them touch her....Six and a half years of memories. 

I know it gets easier with time and tomorrow I try to go back to "normal". But today I am heartbroken and mourn my Georgie-porgie cutie-pie smushface fu-manchu Messick III esquire pterodactyl head-butt princess destroyer of all things. 

Georgiepuss 10/07-4/14

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