Just this time last week we were crossing the Mississippi River into Louisiana. I know it has only been a week, but it seems like longer than that. Last Friday was the longest day ever known to man. Not only because we were awake at midnight, crossed two state lines, and dealt with crazed animals wondering what in the hell was going on, but because we unloaded half a truck full of our junk.
When we got here I was so pumped to put all of our things into our new place that I didn't remember we hadn't ate since oh about 10:30 that morning or that we hadn't really had anything to drink other than sipping on power aide so we wouldn't have to stop fifteen million times for my infant like bladder. So we pretty much pulled up, got our keys, gave the apartment a quick once over and then struggled getting as much as we could as fast as we could up the steep stairs into our apartment.
The folks at Budget were so kind to tell us that the hand truck we PREORDERED was not available once we went to pick up the truck. "We don't have that much stuff. We can do it." That's what I said Thursday. Friday afternoon however it was "I'm going to DIE! How do we have so much stuff?! We are never going to finish!" Since we also did not have a phone book yet I had no idea who to call or what their number would be in order to find a hand truck. Thank the heavens for smart phones and yellowpages.com. Within 20 minutes I had found a place with hand trucks for rent and sympathy for a poor Alabama girl moving all of her and her husband's worldly possessions into an upstairs apartment. While Buddy went to get the hand truck I proceeded to roll boxes of clothing and non-breakable items UP the stairs.
Once Buddy got back and we took a few more trips up the stairs I started to get hangry/emotional/irritable. So, we decided just to get to the bed and move it upstairs and call it a day. We tried to slide the mattress up the stair rails, but it started to bunch in the middle. I climbed the stairs on hands and knees underneath the mattress to get to the other side and pull that behemoth up. Once the box springs and mattress were inside the door we both gave up. Then I had to go to Walmart.
Anyone who knows me knows my hatred for Walmart, but I went sweaty, nasty, hungry, emotional and all. Luckily I knew Walmart was just right up the road from the apartments. I wouldn't have gone if we didn't need a shower curtain in order to take a shower. Then I also remembered, I have no clue where our towels or wash cloths are packed either. We also needed locks for the truck and car dolly (of course Budget didn't provide those either). Then I made the mistake of calling my dad while there. Let me sum up my emotional state at this point - I'm trying to keep it real and honest here - I started my period two weeks early the morning of the move while all of my feminine products were packed away in some random ass box and once we got to the apartment it really hit me how far away we were from our loved ones and I felt so lonely and guilty for this move being solely about myself and my career. So while on the phone with my Dad in Walmart I'm choking back tears. After about 45 minutes of scouring Walmart for anything we might need the next day (drinks, ibuprofen, etc.) I finally think I'm done. Nope, hunger...
Buddy wanted Subway and I thought I had seen one on University when we missed our turn into the apartment complex. So, I ride down University still nasty, sweaty, hungry, and extremely emotional. I get to a point where I think I have passed Subway so pick a street with a red light to turn around. What do I see once I get back to University to head back in my previous direction? Subway on the other side of the red light where I JUST turned around!
First Texas sunset |
The rest of the night was uneventful unless you count the amazing 11 hours of sleep we got. We hit the moving truck the next day with a new found purpose. We were going to get all the heavy stuff in first and take breaks in between all the trips back up the stairs. This actually worked well until we got to the couch. That heavy beast almost broke us. We decided to get the couch up stairs and break for lunch. This couch is older, and both ends recline so seriously it is heavy. I could push it from the back pretty decently so I told Buddy if he would lift it up the stairs one stair at a time I would push that bitch up. Half way up Buddy said that if the couch goes into the apartment then there was no quitting, I HAD to get my master's degree and maybe even my PhD while we were here. I have no intention of backing out or down, so master's degree here I come cause that couch is in our living room!
We tried out a restaurant called Raising Cane's for lunch and it was pretty good. It is no Zaxby's, but it tastes kinda like a cross between Jim Bob's and Guthries from back home with barbeque bread instead of texas toast. It only took us about 2 hours after lunch to finish unloading the truck, although there are a few smaller pieces still in the car that we are supposed to be unloading little by little and haven't started yet. But we were able to take the moving truck and car dolly back early. To celebrate we went to a nice sit down restaurant called Clear Springs which the guy at the truck place recommended. You know the saying, "everything is bigger in Texas"? Well, it's correct. We got a small order of onion rings as an appetizer and I was almost full by the time our food came out. Buddy's meal came with a small side salad. Usually that means just a small bowl of lettuce, cheese, and maybe some tomatoes right? Wrong. This thing was the size of a large side salad back home. I had fried oysters and coconut shrimp which came with fries, coleslaw, and beans. I ate all my slaw and meat, 1 french fry, and a couple of bites of my beans and had no more room in my belly for anything more! It was a little pricey ($50 for the two of us) but well worth it in celebration of unloading the truck.
This closet is so large! It's full now, but this was what it looked like when we got all the big stuff in.
This is our view from the porch/balcony/patio thing. Pretty much looks just like Alabama. There is a creek that runs out beyond that retaining wall and it is relaxing to listen to while sitting out there.
Luna enjoys going outside on the patio with me. She didn't poop for almost 2 whole days!! We were starting to get worried, but her nerves work opposite of mine I guess.
We used the dresser that mirror goes to in the living room as a tv stand/entertainment center. But, it fits in nicely over there now. Don't worry there are sheets and pillowcases on the bed now!
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The best picture of all: an empty moving truck!! |