Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why I started another blog AKA here we go again

Once upon a time, not that long ago, I had another blog where I used to write/type/blog about general happenings and going ons in my life. I eventually became bored with it and it's occasional smattering of positivity amongst the negative, so I deleted it. 

However, I've decided to create another one to not only to share our lives with friends and family, but maybe even to help them understand what it is that I do. Sure there is facebook, google+, twitter, and instagram for small postings and pictures, but this way I don't swamp people's feed with pictures, incessant rambling, or boring sciencey things. 

See, I have accepted a graduate assistantship studying bird diversity in eucalyptus plantations in southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana.  Most people I tell that to politely nod their heads and have no clue what I mean. That's ok! If I was to say I was pursuing my masters in accounting, nursing, or even architecture people would understand what I mean. However, I didn't get into a very well known or understood profession. That's part of the reason I majored in wildlife ecology. Getting the confused look or being asked "So, you're going to be a park ranger, right?" has become part of my everyday life. To be honest, at first it was frustrating trying to explain what exactly someone with a degree in wildlife could do. But now, I get excited telling people what I will be doing and maybe it helps others understand that stuff like this does exist and does matter! 

So what I may blog about are ramblings of our day to day life in a new city, in a new state, at a new college, pictures from day to day or adventures in a new area, and ramblings about what it is that I do and what it is that I'm doing. I hope that whomever does read this enjoys and comments often (I love feedback!). 


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