Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Holiday woes

I honestly do not know where last month went. Between the school work, take home tests, learning TWO new modeling programs (which I still don't know how to use well), Dragon Age: Inquisition, and everything in between, November came and went in the blink of an eye.

Now it's December, finals are over, and Christmas is around the corner. I am not a holiday person by any means. I do not like surprises, I don't get excited over carols, trees, or decorating the house. I don't remember getting excited about these things except for when I was little, but it still gave me panic attacks. The list of things I do like around Christmas time is short: other people's Christmas lights and making sweets. That's it. The end. Bah Humbug. I know, I'm a scrooge.

But this year I haven't seen my family and friends in almost a year and I'm awfully homesick. I have tried to figure out how to make it home for the holidays. However, with classes not starting back and my loan money not coming in until the end of January, hotel and registration fees for a conference in February being due in January, nicer clothes for that conference and another in January, and being able to have tuition for this summer's classes saved....it's just not going to happen.

I was so ready to leave Alabama and now I would give almost anything to go back for just a few days. Don't get me wrong. I love being out here. I love the anonymity, not having to look over my shoulder when I go out for someone I know and don't want to bump into, not having the same questions being asked "what are you going to do after school", "when are you going to have kids"....

I know it's just homesickness and I'm sure it will pass, but I'm just so bummed right now. How do you deal with homesickness and missing those that you love?

Gosh I had a lot of pictures to post! I hope you enjoy, have a happy holiday, and blessed be.

early November when the leaves were still green

I've been trying to get back to taking "first light" or sunrise pictures

Normal kitty business here

There's two of me!!!

This November was how I remembered it when I was growing up: cold and drizzly

I was a little drunk, but I love it

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