So keeping with my previous post, here are 5 things I do not like about East Texas in no particular order.
1. Humidity

I just took this screen shot and it says the temperature outside is only 91 degrees (F). Feels like 100 degrees (F) with only 55% humidity??? Yep, it pretty much feels like a sauna out there. We have had a few days of fall like weather and there were amazing! But, then we had this. I can't wear my hair in anything but a bun with this crap out there. It's just plain redonkulous.
2. Conceal carry laws
![]() |; google image search |
The sign to the left is one that is posted outside of businesses and other public grounds in which you can not conceal carry. Back home they were posting signs prohibiting open carry, here it's conceal carry. Coming from an open carry state, this makes no sense. I can understand federal buildings, public buildings where voting is taking place, bars, and to some extent schools and maybe even hospitals. But shopping centers and grocery stores? Also, if you have a CHL and get busted carrying in a place that has a 30.06 sign, you will be penalized more heavily than someone with out a CHL because you should know better.
3. No one understands SEC football
Yes, Texas A&M are now in the SEC and College Station is only about an hour away, but no one REALLY understands what that means. The loyalty, the brutality, the trash-talk on Saturday but love you every other day-ness.... They just don't get it.
4. Distance measurements

This isn't so much a complaint, but a musing. We are ~2 hours from Shreveport, LA; ~2 hours from Houston; ~3 hours from Dallas and Galveston, and ~4 hours from Austin. Here distance is measured in how many hours it takes to get somewhere. If the speed limits were not as fast then they would be exceedingly high. I knew Texas was a large state, but it didn't really hit me until I was here. It's quite weird.
5. Where's my Waffle House? or Zaxbys?
The closest Waffle House (WH) is in Tyler which is about an hour away. If I were FROM Texas this wouldn't be so bad (see #4). However, I'm not FROM Texas and an hour seems an excessive drive for food. And Zaxby's? My wonderful yummy favorite food? Not here. I think there might be one in Louisiana, but I'm not sure.
I haven't really taken any pictures this week except this one.
This was at the Gayla Mize Gardens and I let Luna go off leash for our walk. I was so proud! When I would call her to come she would and when I would tell her to wait because I couldn't see her she would! I guess now I can trust her to be a good trail dog.
Well, that's all I have for today. I've arranged for Buddy to come pick me up in a few so I need to get my stuff together I guess. I hope you have enjoyed and let me know what you think in the comments! Have a blessed weekend!
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