Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Gracie was one the many pet names I had growing up. The only difference between it and the others was I came by it honestly. 

Clumsiness runs in my family. Well, at least my female cousins and I are by far the most clumsy of the bunch. I pretty much have scars on almost every part of my body from some accident or another. This includes my face. 

Last night I had another case of the clumsies when I was walking to my side of the bed from turning off the light. My middle toe hit the leg of the bed and either the bed or my toe make a cracking sound. It hurt so bad, I immediately put my face into the mattress to holler in pain. My hollering eventually turned into hysterical laughter cause that's what we crazy clumsy people do to push through the pain. I swear if I ever have children, everyone in the delivery room is going to be confused. 

I eventually pulled myself into the bed and turned on the flashlight of my phone to look at my toe. It was already swole a little but it didn't look broke. So I tried I curl my toes. If you can move it then it's not broke, right? At least that was what I was taught growing up. I tried some more and eventually it didn't hurt to curl, but hurt like a mother fucker when I straightened them out. (And yes, this kind of pain warrants a mother fucker or two.) 

Taking Luna out to potty this morning proved difficult in flip-flops, but the swelling was about the same and there was only a slight lavender hue to the toe joint. So, I put on my tennis shoes to go to school and even walked across campus to get Panda Express for lunch with some lab mates. We had been planning on Panda Wednesdays for a week now and I was too excited to pass up the first one. One of my lab mates found some ace tape in her desk (from a previous owner) so I taped my toe to the larger neighbor to help stabilize it. Boy did that feel so much better! I even passed my step goal for the day! 

However, come 230 my tennis shoe had to go. Every step hurt. I only put my shoe back on to go to the bathroom (gross) and even left the building for the day with my socks on. Buddy had to cut the tape of my toes cause I couldn't stand the pain of unraveling it myself. Quick aside here: I know this all makes me sound like a pansy, but I seriously have a high pain threshold. Usually I can push on through. But this, this is brutal. Ok, back to what I was saying. Once the tape was off, it was evident that my toe is broken. It's not black and blue yet. Just still this nice dark lavender at my top toe knuckle and down the side of my toe. So I've got a few days of hobbling ahead and it's really quite pitiful. Even for a Gracie like me. 

Serenity update: Ne-Ne finished her meds last week on the 3rd and we had two days of no peeing on the floor afterwards. I was about ready to call the vet again when the urinating started again, but I thought maybe I need to give the special food more time to work. I have now converted the white board on the fridge to a pee chart so I can keep up with pee free days. I've also been cleaning the litter box everyday to keep up with how many times she has peed in a day. So far it's been twice. I don't know if that's good or bad, but the monitoring will continue until it becomes as frequent as it was when we took her to the vet. The food is making her super soft an I don't know if it's related or not, but she's also been super talkative. She even woke me up this morning. 

I don't have many pictures to share from last time I posted, but here they are. Blessed be and have a great week!!

Jungle kitty

This little male ruby-throated hummingbird aggressively defends the two feeders I have on the porch. 

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