It started this weekend with some itchiness, then red itchiness, then it started to spread. At first we couldn't tell what it was, but it was most definitely an allergic reaction to something. We found the culprit this morning while doing bird surveys. The first transect point in one of our stands is completely infested with poison ivy and we dug pitfall traps right smack dab in the middle of it not even paying attention to our surroundings. Dr. Boyd would be so disappointed. But, at least now we know what it is.
What is funny, not that having a burning itchy rash on your body is funny, is I asked her at the beginning of the season if she was alleric and she said "I pretty much have to roll around in it in order for me to break out." That's pretty much what we have done while digging pitfalls. The next trap set is just right there, why get up to sit back down? Just roll or scoot. We now know to pay better attention to our surroundings while doing so.
Also there is something here, other than the water, that is messing with me. One of my nostrils is running like a faucet and I can't stop sneezing. Meagan, if you're reading this I'm sorry for picking on you and your seasonal (all the time) allergies and NEVER come to SW Louisiana cause it might kill you.
So, it's only day 2 of week 2 and the craziness keeps coming. We've made it this far, are half way done with fogging and almost half way done with pitfalls. I'm thinking we could possibly make it, lord willing and the creek don't rise. No seriously, if it rains like it is projected to at the end of the week, we may be a little screwed. I'm doing good to get my little truck in to these stands as is. If it rains, I'm gonna get stuck. No question about it. So keep cool, dry thoughts for us!
Sunrise in the eucs
Anyone want to come to our stands with us and shoot piggies? Anyone?
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