So - quick recap of the last few months:
The last time I blogged I was optimistic about the rain finally quitting and me finishing my last season of field work. Well, it didn't really happen that way. The day after that blog post I woke up an hour before my alarms to thunder. Another 2-3 inches fell and there was absolutely nothing I could do. My tech needed to pay bills and such on the first, so we went home for a long 5 day weekend to let everything dry. The pitfalls that were in the ground already would just have to be reset when we got back.
You know it's bad when this is how the guys who check on the local oil and gas rigs have to get to their work sites. |
Once again, I gave the ground some time to dry and then headed back to the motel by myself. I left early on Father's Day so I could get there and do some surveys before the motel opened. When I got near my sites all I could see in the younger stands was water. There was so much more rain than the weather people had forecasted. I made several attempts to get to stands that desperately needed more surveys, but ended up turning around because I didn't trust the roads. I headed to the two stands I knew I should be able to get to because they are very well maintained. As I pulled on the road a salt water tanker was coming from the other direction, so I pulled over what I thought was a little bit. Nope. Into the mud I went and there was no backing or pulling forward out of it.
The tanker guy stopped, but didn't have a chain. I tried my roadside assistance with my insurance company. A cop had pulled someone over on the main road so I walked out there to talk to the cop but left my cards in the truck. While walking back to the truck to get my cards the cop left, so I had to recall roadside assistance who couldn't help because I was more than 30 feet from a "well used road". I called tow trucks who couldn't help because they only took cash. I finally found one tow guy (who was a douche the first time I talked to him) who would take me to an ATM so I could get him the cash (SFA would reimburse me for the tow so I wasn't too worried about it). After I hung up with the tow guy, a fella that runs the salt water tankers came by, told me to call the tow and cancel, and that he would run up the road, borrow a chain and pull me out. Thank the heavens for country folk!!
I finished the remainder of my surveys alone (with no more rain!), didn't get stuck again, and I have
now finished my insect identification portion and my data entry. Now I'm organizing the data getting it ready for analysis and come Monday I'll be doing my first edit on my proposal. After tropical storm Bill, it rained maybe twice a week for a few more weeks and now it has only rained once since July started! We have had the hottest temperatures ever this year and with a car with no AC it's insane.
The week after out birthday extravaganza I went to Norman, Oklahoma for the American and Cooper Ornithological Societies conference. I gave the first presentation for my project. There were so many presentations and biological studies that the first few days felt a little over my head and made me feel a little out of place. Yet my presentation went really well, got a few more ideas on my research,I met a few new people, marked some birds on my life list, and had a great time.
So, what now? Business as usual I guess. My 33rd birthday is this coming Thursday, classes start at the end of the month, and the Society of American Forester's conference is in November in Baton Rouge. Once again I'm going to attempt to do better at this. I have lots of ideas in my head on what to write and I would like to get it out here and share.
Until next time, blessed be.